Call for papers | The Architectural Laboratory: amulet or shibboleth?

Following a first successful workshop centred around the theme of the laboratory in 20th-century architecture in 2022, KU Leuven is now organising a follow-up to this event dedicated to the same theme on 30 and 31 March 2023. In order to arrive at a broad historical and cultural understanding of this phenomenon, the workshop will… Continue reading Call for papers | The Architectural Laboratory: amulet or shibboleth?

Workshop: Territories of Faith. Religion, urban planning and demographic change in post-war Europe 1945 – 1975

INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP – Leuven, 3 – 4 July 2017 The research group Architectural Cultures of the Recent Past (ARP) of KU Leuven and KADOC, the Documentation and Research Centre on Religion, Culture and Society of KU Leuven, are organizing an international workshop on religion, urban planning and demographic change in post-war Europe. The workshops aims… Continue reading Workshop: Territories of Faith. Religion, urban planning and demographic change in post-war Europe 1945 – 1975

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Workshop: Territories of Faith. Registration is open!

CALL FOR PAPERS – INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP Territories of Faith. Religion, urban planning and demographic change in post-war Europe, 1945-1975. The research group Architectural Cultures of the Recent Past (ARP) of KU Leuven and KADOC, the Documentation and Research Centre on Religion, Culture and Society of KU Leuven, are organizing an international workshop on 3 – 4 July 2017 in Leuven… Continue reading Workshop: Territories of Faith. Registration is open!

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Objects of Schooling II, Visual pedagogies in architectural education 194X-199X

INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP – 16 JUNE 2016 Objects of Schooling is an ongoing project that investigates the pedagogic and discursive functions of objects in architectural education from the 1940s to the 1990s. It is part of the FWO-funded PhD project entitled ‘The formation of architectural theory in Belgium, 1965-1995’.On Thursday 16 June 2016, 8 speakers in… Continue reading Objects of Schooling II, Visual pedagogies in architectural education 194X-199X

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