Workshop: Territories of Faith. Religion, urban planning and demographic change in post-war Europe 1945 – 1975

INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP – Leuven, 3 – 4 July 2017

The research group Architectural Cultures of the Recent Past (ARP) of KU Leuven and KADOC, the Documentation and Research Centre on Religion, Culture and Society of KU Leuven, are organizing an international workshop on religion, urban planning and demographic change in post-war Europe. The workshops aims to offer new insights in how organized religion manages and marks its presence within a given territory.

On 3 and 4 July 2017, nine papers will be presented and discussed as a prelude to an edited volume. The workshop also includes a ½ day tour to some remarkable modern church buildings in the Leuven – Brussels area.

For more details, check out our website or brochure.

Researchers and practitioners with an interest in the history of religious architecture are welcome to participate in the workshop. Yet due to limited room capacity, registration is required before 2 June 2017. For listeners, there is a fee to cover the costs of food and refreshments (€ 20 for lunch / € 90 for lunch and dinner – to be paid cash at the beginning of the workshop).

KADOC, Vlamingenstraat 39, 3000 Leuven, Belgium