Eva Weyns (°1989) is a PhD researcher at the KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture where she works on the research project Catholic Territories in a Suburban landscape: Religion and Urbanization in Belgium, 1945-1975. Her main research interest is in religious architecture of the second half of the twentieth century. Eva’s current research focuses on the use of architecture and urban planning in territorial strategies of the Roman Catholic Church in post war Belgium. As a teaching assistant she is also involved in courses in architectural history and research methodology. Since completing her studies in architectural engineering (KU Leuven) and in conservation of monuments and sites (Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation, KU Leuven) she has been actively involved in the discussion on the future of religious heritage. She participated in the European project ALTERheritage (Adapting Learning Tools for Europe’s Religious Heritage, 2013-2015) and collaborated in a study on reuse opportunities for religious heritage in the Brussels Region (2013-2014).